*Disclaimer: This project was completed prior to my formal training and subsequent employemnt in UX Design.

Metabuy logo

Metabuy. is the one stop shopping app for online consumers. The app is intended to allow shoppers to monitor pricing trends, examine aggregate reviews, and track the latest deals based on their interests.


Develop a fully functional app prototype. The idea needed to be both reasonable but also simple if it were to be put into development.


As this is my first design project, I was interested in trying to put forth a sort of rough draft to teach me the ropes of the design process. I also decided to consult professionals in the UI/UX community for advice. The main objective was to create something professional while understanding that the lessons learned from this experience could help me improve going forward.

1. Logging In

As a user, I can login to the app from these screens. I am also able to create an account using a pre-existing Google or Facebook account for more flexibility.

Metabuy Logo screen
Metabuy Sign in screen
Metabuy sign up screen

2. Homepage

When I first log into the app, I am greeted by a dashboard indicating the items I have put on my watchlist. These items are organized by category for convenience. Underneath this space are deals curated to me based on my interests which helps make shopping much easier.

Metabuy Home screen
Metabuy Trends screen

3. Trends

The trends screen is one I find most useful when I am trying to find the lowest price possible. I simply choose one of the items from my watchlist to show the price data for and the trends are automatically tracked for me.

4. Reviews

When I need to see what other buyers have to say about a product, I automatically refer to the review screen. MetaBuy's algorithm gathers all reviews from across the web into a single location. The way the app can assign recommendations based on reviews is extremely handy too.

Metabuy Reviews screen
Metabuy Deals screens

5. Deals

Part the appeal of the MetaBuy app is also providing the user with the latest deals from online retailers catered specifically to their taste. The app learns the habbits of the user but also allows deal hunters to filter by category among other filters. The deals screen also allows users to easily add items to their watchlist.

6. Watchlist

The watchlist is where I designate all the products, I am looking to track which powers most of the app. By adding products from the web into my watchlist, the app can give me up to date information reducing my time spend on the web every day.

Metabuy Watchlist screens

Lessons Learned

In future projects, sketch wireframes with more detail showing exactly how the app will be used including navigation and workflows. I also want to maintain more consistency and detail in my designs. I think I will also try to begin consulting with experts in UX during the design process besides just afterwards. Finally I'm going to put much more emphasis onto the UX side of the process. To do this, I'm going to plan my design with wireframes so I can understand how I want the app to behave before I even think about designs.